Come on

Come on的吉他谱


Come on的歌词

Come on!
The dark covers me. I hear the ticking of the clock
Hey, can you see me? (hey can you see me)
Here, I am waiting for some kind of miracle
And then break away


Come on over come on over I only wanna see the light
Come on over stand by me 繋(つな)ぎ合(あ)う热(ねつ)が
Come on over come on over 仆(ぼく)らてらしらすなら
Come on over stand by meひとつになれるはずだろう

Come here.To my fading star. Now I am all alone
Hey, can you see me? (hey can you see me)
奇(き)迹(せき)を求(もと)め ひたすらに 磨(みが)いた梦(ゆめ)


Come on over come on over Now I'm not afraid with you
Come on over stand by me 惹(ひ)かれあう指(ゆび)が
Come on over come on over 络(から)み合(あ)ったなら
Come on over stand by me 忧(うれ)いも溶(と)かすはずだろう?

Come on over come on over By my mirror. Be my sword
Come on over stand by me 手(て)を伸(の)ばせばいい
Come on over come on over 求(もと)め合(あ)ったなら
Come on over stand by me 光(ひかり)が射(さ)すそうだろう