Painful Assemble

Painful Assemble的吉他谱


Painful Assemble的歌词


仰望自尊的高塔 我用人格仇视一切 平庸的
披上低劣恶俗 我自慰着刺向腥黄 请让我下陷
陷入无尽的痛苦深渊 追逐是我永远的虚幻
永垂的抵达 死在路上 我要让你看到我的下场

Looking up the self-pride tower
I hostile all with my personality
bourgeois wheel crush up me
put on the mean
console myselg stick the smelling egesta
please let me sink, let me keep sinking
sink into endless painful abyss
cheby is my forever unreal
arrive with droop, die on the way
I want you to see my end.