阿拉侪是野路子 we are all amateurs
弹弹几只和弦就混混腔势 play some chords and goof around
从来也勿懂啥个乐理 we don’t know any music theory
学琴也没去过音乐学院 nor have been to the music college
随便弹弹 随便唱唱 we play and sing as we like
看上去也蛮像模像样 somehow it works quite well
全中国个音乐节也好上上 national music festivals send our invitation
歌曲勒勒电视里也好放放 our songs are also played on television
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
从来也覅啥个面子 we don’t care losing face
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
难板也要去做做场子 sometimes we also do gigs
野路子 野路子 amateurs amateurs
野路子 阿拉侪是野路子 amateurs we are all amateurs
阿拉侪是野路子 we are all amateurs
演出淘淘浆糊再装装样子 in the show we just strike a pose
录音就勒地下室随便弄弄 as for recording we record in the basement
专辑个销量看来也蛮好 and the album also sells well
单位上上班 兄弟吃吃饭 go to work, earn a salary
小日脚过过也蛮乐惠 live a peaceful life, ain’t it adorable
写歌个速度就像拆了泡污 we write songs as quick as shit
从来也勿懂啥个五线谱 though we cannot read a stave
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
从来也覅啥个面子 we don’t care losing face
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
难板也要去做做场子 sometimes we also do gigs
野路子 野路子 amateurs amateurs
野路子 阿拉侪是野路子 amateurs we are all amateurs
弹弹几只和弦就混混腔势 play some chords and goof around
从来也勿懂啥个乐理 we don’t know any music theory
学琴也没去过音乐学院 nor have been to the music college
随便弹弹 随便唱唱 we play and sing as we like
看上去也蛮像模像样 somehow it works quite well
全中国个音乐节也好上上 national music festivals send our invitation
歌曲勒勒电视里也好放放 our songs are also played on television
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
从来也覅啥个面子 we don’t care losing face
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
难板也要去做做场子 sometimes we also do gigs
野路子 野路子 amateurs amateurs
野路子 阿拉侪是野路子 amateurs we are all amateurs
阿拉侪是野路子 we are all amateurs
演出淘淘浆糊再装装样子 in the show we just strike a pose
录音就勒地下室随便弄弄 as for recording we record in the basement
专辑个销量看来也蛮好 and the album also sells well
单位上上班 兄弟吃吃饭 go to work, earn a salary
小日脚过过也蛮乐惠 live a peaceful life, ain’t it adorable
写歌个速度就像拆了泡污 we write songs as quick as shit
从来也勿懂啥个五线谱 though we cannot read a stave
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
从来也覅啥个面子 we don’t care losing face
哦 阿拉侪是野路子 oh we are all amateurs
难板也要去做做场子 sometimes we also do gigs
野路子 野路子 amateurs amateurs
野路子 阿拉侪是野路子 amateurs we are all amateurs