



Baby ballerina's hiding somewhere in the corner
Where the shadow wraps around her
And our torches cannot find her
She will stay there 'til the morning
Crawl behind us as we are yawning
And she will leave our games to never be the same

So Grow Tall Sugar Cane
Eat that Soil, Drink the Rain
But know that they'll chase you if you play their little games
So run, run fast Sugar Cane

You see my peep show booth is handy
There's a one way only mirror
So I can dance here with my hair down
But i don't see if you get bitter
and there's a button right beside me
if i happen to want a wall to hide me
If only the ballerina had one too

So Grow Tall Sugar Cane.
Eat that Soil, Drink the Rain
But know that they'll chase you if you play their little games
So run, run fast Sugar Cane
And she said always, be afraid
Yeah you should always, be afraid

To Grow Tall Sugar Cane
Eat the Soil, Drink the Rain
But know that they'll chase you if you play their little games
So run, run fast Sugar Cane
You'd better run, run fast Sugar Cane
You'd better run, run fast Sugar Cane

Missy Higgins在这首歌中谈论了成名带来的公众注目,让她势必面对诸多议论、被挖掘隐私,她用甘蔗笔直向上升高的成长意象,来隐喻澳纽的一种流行语
"Tall Poppy Syndrome"(高大罂粟花综合症):过高的罂粟花会被砍掉。简单来说,这是澳纽特殊的文化,讲求普遍主义、齐头式平等,也就是当有人在群体中表现亮眼,过於优秀时,会遭到其他人的批评及负面观感。换句话说,他们也比较愿意扶助弱势,这和美国文化差异甚大,算是有好有坏吧。
So Grow Tall Sugar Cane.
Eat that Soil, Drink the Rain.
But know they'll chase you if you play their little games.
So run, run fast Sugar Cane.
yeah you'd better run, run fast Sugar Cane.
And she said, "always, be afraid".
Yeah you should, "always, be afraid".
she should always be afraid
(关於Tall Poppy Syndrome的相关说明,详见↓

Baby ballerina在peep show booth里跳舞,就是Missy Higgins指她自己在大众面前的表演,peep show booth是指那种投硬币进去,透过玻璃孔就可以窥视里面的舞者表演的亭子(或是放映 pornographic film),观者看得到摸不到,表演者在里面也看不对是谁在窥视她。Missy Higgi运用peep show隐喻她在舞台上的表演,但她也可选择隐匿起来,不让任何人看到,拒绝媒体的跟随。就向她第一张专辑成功后,她选择抛却名利,远离镁光灯,花了六个月去远行。


nothingmore 2015-11-18 | 悬赏中 拨片:10 回复