Exiled In Flesh

Exiled In Flesh的吉他谱

Nine Steps
安啦 1330 0
GTP谱 总谱
Exiled In Flesh
腐烂 1212 0
GTP谱 总谱

Exiled In Flesh的歌词

Awaken again into my daymare.
Location unknown, memory zero,
vision distorted, sound muted, mind lost.
Slowly stabilising, removing self paranoia.
Reconstructing reality from pieces
till discovering the common sense between here, now and why.
These severe answers cut my screaming tongue.
Detain a Nomad soul in my motionless flesh.
Haunted by desires, sat in this fucking chair.
I won't fade in a dumb row crawling between the defeated.
My ears still follow the notes, veins pulse with the rhythm.
Well-known faces open wide my eyes.
Acidic air fills my lungs.
Awakened senses assault!
These living shapes, noises from the world outside.
Exiled inside myself again, ready to wake up!