Suffer from unknown deprivation
Dismay potentation through the stupidity
Converting unawareness into conviction
Persistence of risk perception
Killing of trust
Perish in numbness
Dead eyes are staring forth
Recent findings are reliable if they confirm the known results
Framing effect
Self-reinforcing mistrust
Defending itself against rationality
The time has come to sort out the blind
Refuse to submit - dread of betrayal
Dread of cowardice - betrayal
The time has come to sort out
Now we look out of a fragile muted earth
Through the panes of abandoned buildings - the glasses will
no longer deceive us
Providing a clear view - shrinking rivers, poisoned forests
Children born not to survive
Mutated into non-humankind
Is this fear of radiation or it is a fear of war?
From the date of death chronicles and the written words
Are just can be used for lightning fires
Even for that use they won't serve long
From the yellowed paper remains smoke and ash
into new code
Atoms enter new connections - adopting new forms
Summarized: material can't be destroyed
All experiences on those pages would be lost forever
The time has come to sort out the blind
Refuse to submit - dread of betrayal
Dread of cowardice - betrayal
The time has come to sort out
Dismay potentation through the stupidity
Converting unawareness into conviction
Persistence of risk perception
Killing of trust
Perish in numbness
Dead eyes are staring forth
Recent findings are reliable if they confirm the known results
Framing effect
Self-reinforcing mistrust
Defending itself against rationality
The time has come to sort out the blind
Refuse to submit - dread of betrayal
Dread of cowardice - betrayal
The time has come to sort out
Now we look out of a fragile muted earth
Through the panes of abandoned buildings - the glasses will
no longer deceive us
Providing a clear view - shrinking rivers, poisoned forests
Children born not to survive
Mutated into non-humankind
Is this fear of radiation or it is a fear of war?
From the date of death chronicles and the written words
Are just can be used for lightning fires
Even for that use they won't serve long
From the yellowed paper remains smoke and ash
into new code
Atoms enter new connections - adopting new forms
Summarized: material can't be destroyed
All experiences on those pages would be lost forever
The time has come to sort out the blind
Refuse to submit - dread of betrayal
Dread of cowardice - betrayal
The time has come to sort out