Descent Of Gods

Descent Of Gods的吉他谱


Descent Of Gods的歌词

التسليم للآلهة والجان
التسليم لدشارة والعزة يا آلهة الشر
Silent nightfall reveals the scribes under the stones
Hiding behind the dales of underground
Angels have witnessed the making of the pile
Graven by the dynasty of Nabataeans
Sculpted deities of stars
Awaking from their past, resurrecting from the sands
Divine spirits of pagan realms
Delivered from their eternal curse

Darkness unveiled the truth of Araba
Glory of Al Uzza and worship of Dushara
Centuries of praising the ancient blood
Engaging in demonical rites
Baetyl, mansion of the king
Sanctuary of the eastern storm gods
Temple of the Zodiac calendar
Heralding truth of the cosmic end

Far beyond the mysteries of skies
The city of stone have spoken
Revealing the heavenly highs
Calling the thunder to rise
Descent of gods!
حياة الأنباط مالئة
بالأسرار و الأوهام
خزن الفرعون مثال
لسموهم في البتراء

Nil waits beyond afterlife