They Say Surrender

They Say Surrender的吉他谱


They Say Surrender的歌词

They say it must have been surrender 他们说,应该放弃的
they cannot see how I could love a man like I love you 他们无法想象我如同爱你一样 爱一名男子
I tell them all that there is to remember 我告诉他们我记得的所有事
and I don't recall anything but your tenderness true 除了你温柔的真诚别的我都不记得了
they say-everything comes to an end 他们说:任何事都有完结的时候
that even the strongest will bend 再强的东西也会被弯折
given the chances of time 只要时间足够
they say- a love like ours will not last 他们说:我们的爱情不会长久
but I've seen the future in stars 但我能从群星中预见未来
and I know it's ours to refine 我知道我们会变得更好
they say- you will show me your true colours 他们说:你会露出真面目
the moment the sun sets behind the mountain we lean on 当太阳从我们背靠的山后落下
but I know- angels are there just for lovers 但是我知道:为恋人而来的天使就在那里
and gently they guard us each day and they keep our love warm 他们每天温柔地守护着我们,让我们的爱情恒温
they say- you're not the lover for me 他们说:你不是我命中的爱人
hoping for proof they don't see 妄图寻找他们看不到的证据
somehow awaiting your crime 等着你露出马脚
I fall- into your arms 我跌入你的怀中
with my heart open as wide as the stars 我的心为你完全敞开
I know that your love is mine 我知道你的爱全心全意
they say- love in the dark is surrender 他们说:黑暗中的爱情就是放弃
all I recall is the fire that burns in our eyes 我却只记得我们眼中燃烧的火焰
I know- we will be always together 我知道,我们会一直在一起
forever is only a drop in the ocean of sighs 永远只不过是沧海一粟而已
la la la la la la la la


cfind 2017-9-23 | 悬赏中 弹唱 贝斯 拨片:5 回复
小小拓 2015-6-22 | 悬赏中 拨片:5