



Ravening - Exhumed

Gorging - the glut of grue consumed, vigorously
Swollen, distended appetites - deformed prosperity
Ingesting - the inhumed inhumane, indiscriminately
The all-consuming, never stopping - virulent voracity

And as you toil, they reap the despoiled

A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Ever feeding - ravening

Swallowing - your self subsumed, insidiously
Your life, your death, your thoughts entombed - so callously
Regurgitating - repugnant retch repeated, endlessly
A malignant mantra metastasized - takes hold internally

And as you build, their graveyards you'll fill

A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Ever feeding - ravening

[Lead - Bud]
[Lead - Matt]

Slaking - they sup salivating, salaciously
Bottomless hunger never sated - consume gratuitously
Accumulating - avariciously accruing, acrimoniously
Coffers and coffins overflow - in horrific harmony

And as you slave, you save your masters the task of digging your grave

A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Ever feeding - ravening