Wanderer of Solitude

Wanderer of Solitude的吉他谱

Wanderer Of Solitude
cghyaoyao 2688 0

Wanderer of Solitude的歌词

Nostalgia for what I can't repair
When life didn't came this crude
I still homesick for nowhere
Condemned wanderer of solitude.

Transcending into the depths of mourn

(Quote from the sovietic-filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky:

"Nostalgia is a feeling throughout. Stated another way, we feel nostalgia even dwelling in our own country, beside the ones that are dearest to us. Despite a happy home and a happy family, a man may suffer from nostalgia, simply because he feels that his soul is being limited, that it does not develop as he wishes. Nostalgia is feeling powerless before the world, the pain of not being able to convey their spirituality to others.”)

Grief of a wounded soldier, forlorn
Can't stand another year of silence