

waterforlich 2653 0
GTP谱 乐队版


又过了一个钟头又三分钟的倔强 又输了你的眼泪和我悲伤的抵抗
只是冷战总要终止 你却都放在心上

我看上你的激动远超乎我的想像 你终于不再容忍我也不刻意勉强
你说感情既然终止 就忍不住赌一场 看谁爱到恨到彻底解放

你笑着说一定让我永生难忘 如果你够狠不如给我一枪
你用未来交换我为你的疯狂 我用真心交换你的投降

又过了一个钟头又三分半的倔强 又败给你的脆弱和我的刻意坚强
只是今晚也要终止 让我爱你到天亮 紧紧抱你不只动物感伤

The ghost feel ya.. so what My girl walked out the door
The heart can heal So bring on some heavy some more
Stand up Head up The only way I stand down
Is if you come on On your Kneez Beggin' me now
And I flow with the flow Ask the damn microphone
My word express my soul That only you'll never know
Injures sustained Maintain a level with my pride Stay blitz
Bump beats in my ride... With my crew twe kick

你笑着说一定让我永生难忘 如果你够狠不如给我一枪
我的未来是注定要陪你疯狂 你的痴情注定向我投降

Expressin' the will Is it strong enough Light the night
When the lights come up... Stressin, the Will.
Yo is it strong enough light the night do it right
Bring it loud when we comin' up