Si-bo-ney yo te quie-ro yo me mue-ro por tu a-mor Si-bo-ney en tu bo-ca la mu-jer puso su dul-zor ven a mí que te quie-ro y que to- do te-so- ro e- res tú pa-ra mí Si-bo-ney al a-rru- llo de tus pal- maspien so en ti. Si-bo-ney de mis sue- ños si no o-yes la que-ja de mi voz Si-bo-ney si no vie-nes me mo-ri-ré de a-mor S-bo-ney de mis sue- ños te es-pe-ra con an-sia en mi ca ney Si-bo-ney si no vie nes me mo-ri-ré de a-mor Oye el e-co de mi can-to de cris-tal no se pier-da por en-tre el ru-do Ma - ni gual
If you’ve been in Ha-van-a you have heard dream-y tune, when you think of Ha-van-a you re-call this dream-y tune. If you’ve danced in Ha-van-a you’ve caught its fun-ny rhyth - m that made your sen-ses stray, night and day here’s that tan-ta- liz-ing mel-o- dy they play. Si-bo-ney, that’s the tune that they croon at you down Ha-van-a way, Si-bo-ney, that’s the dance that they dance at the Ca-fé, and that tune brings you dreams so it seems un-der- neath the sil-ver moon, as they play Si-bo-ney, ev-’ry care will ride a-way, Fas-ci-nat-ing, cap-ti-vat-ing, Si-bo-ney. When they want an en- core they ask for more Si-bo-ney.