Code Mon-key get up, get co-f-fee.
Code Mon-key go to job.
Code Mon-key have bo-ring me-et-ing with bor-ing man-a-ger Rob.
Rob say Code Mon-key ve-ry di-li-gent but his out-put stink.
His code not func-tion-al or el-e-gant, what do Code Mon-key think?
Code Mon-key think ma-y-be man-a-ger wan-na write god-damned log-in page him-self.
Code Mon-key not say it out loud.
Code Mon-key not cra-zy just proud.
Code Mon-key like Fri-tos.
Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew.
Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart.
Code Mon-key like you.
Code Mon-key hang a-round at fr-ont desk, tell you swea-ter look nice.
Code Mon-key of-fer buy you s-o-da, bring you cup, bring you ice.
You say no thank you for the so-da 'cause so-da make you fat.
A-ny-way, you bu-sy with the te-le-phone, n-o time for chat.
Code Mon-key have long walk back to cu-bi-cle. He sit down, pre-tend to work.
Code Mon-key not think-ing so straight.
Code Mon-key not feel-ing so great.
Code Mon-key like Fri-tos.
Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew.
Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart.
Code Mon-key li-ke you.
Code Mon-key li-ke you a lot.
Code Mon-key have eve-ry re-a-son to get out of this place.
But Code Mon-key just keep on wo-rk-ing, see your soft pre-tty face.
Much rath-er wake up, eat a cof-fee cake, ta-ke bath, take nap.
This job, ful-fill-ing in cre-a-tive way? Such a load of crap.
Code Mon-key think some-day he have eve-ry-thing, ev-en pre-tty girl like you.
Code Mon-key just wait-ing for now.
Code Mon-key say some-day, some-how.
Code Mon-key like Fri-tos.
Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew.
Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart.
Code Mon-key li-ke you.
Code Mon-key li-ke you.
Code Mon-key li-ke you.