One day you抣l see my life fall, into the womb of a
broken home. Well ok, I抳e heard this before is there
anyway to keep me sane.
There has to be another world out there. Of this I am
We can search for it together but I, can only show you
the door.
There has to be another world out there. Of this I am
I saw you standing in the doorway, are you what I抳e
been searching for?
Living in reflections of the past. I can抰 take this
Consumed by fear and convulsions, i hope this age
doesn抰 last.
Peering through these bars, like the bird that has been
I wish I could spread my wings and fly far far away.
I know my future抯 out there, Freedom lies, beyond the
We lay siege, to the control. To a world that needs a
Light peers through the cracks in the rooftops, Its all
coming down.
Fire抯 burning bright, fueled by the homes of greed.
Shut the system down. Destroy the very thing that we
have created.
How has humanity, been left to survive, with an
imperfect sense of self perfection.
You know the fear that抯 feeding hate, shall be cast out
like a plague.
I抳e seen all those lies, behind your eyes.
Burning desires. Your nothing more than nothing.
Well I can see, the jealousy you need to sacrifice.
When your on fire, I guess your bound to burn
It seems that all we ever wanted, was a reason in
I cant believe we抳e come this far now, and it抯 sad to
That this life was once a happy place, destroyed in
the blink of an eye.
It抯 slipping away, but come what may. It抯 easier just
to say goodbye.
I抦 so tired of living in a world that never sleeps.
And everyone dis-believing all the good in everything
we see.
When did we become okay, with treating others how
we please.
Were just a copy of a copy. In this pestilent world were
replicating disease.
Our hearts beat far beneath the ice. Searching for any
sign of life.
How could there be any other way but this, on broken
legs we stand up for what is right.
Walking tall amongst the giants. Without the weight of
worlds around our feet.
This is our emancipation, rise to this call and together
we抣l all go free.