A vi-sion of buil-dings sit-ting emp-ty
There's not a per-son to be found
All the cars sit si-lent-ly wai-ting
All the leaves have fal-len to the ground
Waves crash with no in-ter-rup-tion
There's not a ship that you can see
No rock is thrown to change its mo-tion
Rhy-thms mo-ving, all na-tu-ral-ly
A slee-ping world, just wai-ting
A tir-ed world
A slee-ping world, just wai-ting
A tir-ed world
A phone is rin-ging in the dis-tance
A pulse with no end, no e-ne-my
This cry has no one left it can bot-her
The per-son may have left sud-den-ly
A lot of was-ted words were spo-ken
Ma-ny vain at-tempts were made
No one rea-li-zed that in the long run
It was our-selves we could have saved
A slee-ping world, just wai-ting
A tir-ed world
A slee-ping world, just wai-ting
A tir-ed world