注释:
U-
-ni-
-ted
here
we
stand
We
sa-
-cri-
-ficed
The
ones
we
left
Be-
-hind
For-
-give
me
for
my
sin
can't
de-
-ny
have
for-
-sa-
-ken
The
me-
-mories
fade
to
grey
An
em-
-pty
shall
Their
time
will
ne-
-ver
come
vi-
-sion
in
mind
Is
clear
tom
me
don't
know
how
to
save
you
U-
-ni-
-ted
here
we
stand
We
sa-
-cri-
-ficed
The
ones
we
left
be-
-hind
For-
-give
me
for
my
sin
can't
de-
-ny
have
for-
-sa-
-ken
You're
wal-
-king
through
dar-
-kness
With
fear
in
your
mind
Through
fi-
-re
and
flames
am
ca-
-lling
name
My
life
is
e-
-ter-
-nal
And
Ju-
-das
must
die
The
wind
and
the
rain
will
show
you
the
way
Whe-
-ne-
-ver
the
cur-
-tain
will
fall
hear
you
ca-
-lling
The
ones
we
left
be-
-sa-
-ken
My
le-
-gion
is
ho-
-ly
No
tears
in
their
eyes
With
so-
-rrow
and
pain
There
no
one
to
blame
Whe-
-ne-
-ver
the
cur-
-tain
will
fall
ca-
-lling
U-
-ni-
-ted
here
we
stand
We
sa-
-cri-
-ficed