still born these people have refused to live on the outside. they have been brainwashed to live a life of degradation. i am beneath the wires bridging the gap self-destruction fills the common mind. thoughts of a new freedom the idea of allowing and accepting your own deconstruction. thoughts of a new freedom the idea of allowing and accepting your own deconstruction. i will be a witness to the fickle breed purge that will purge them self. this taste will leave my mouth. let me die. let me. let me die. let me die. seven billion lives to punish. this race will pay for their avarice.the odious destroyers. leading our lives towards exile. the fickle breed will purge themselves. let us die. we watch with a thousand eyes and still refuse to act. glorifying christ like he was the one who saved us. we saved ourselves, where did your future end? we saved ourselves, let me die. who will save my soul? seven billion people will be burnt from this earth this world will never be safe. glorifying christ like he saved us. with a thousand eyes we watch but refuse to act, we will bathe this world in our blood. pain is your guide. pain is your god. pain is your guide.