Su-i-cide a month be-fore I met you
Deep re-grets, I ne-ver could for-get you
Some-how you made your way to my de-cade
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, my girl
In the sun, I see you with your guard down
Num-ber one, you're mo-ving to a hard town
Do not di-smiss the pro-mise that you made me
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, my time
O-ver-kill, you took a-no-ther red pill
On the sheet is e-v'ry-thing that you spilled
We are the ones you want to know right now
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, black light
Come a-gain to mur-der your re-port card
Just a friend to kiss you in the court-yard
You are the one I want to be stuck with
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, big fight
Fa-vor so-me
Way too young
Slave to no-o-ne
Way too young
Say good-bye my love
I can see it in your soul
Say good-bye my love
Thought that I could make you who-o-ole
Let your lo-ver sail
Death was made to fa-il
Sti-cky fin-gers find the way to take her
Crum-ple up a-no-ther piece of pa-per
I know your days are num-bered when it comes to
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, this life
Slip a-way in-to the so-lar sys-tem
Straigh-ter rays, you find a way to twist them
Some like it dark and now I know where to
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, find you
Ser-pen-tine, I think she was an Aus-sie
Bloo-dy hell, a com-mon ka-mi-kaz-e
Give up the ghost be-fore you go un-der
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, won-der
Ki-cking hard and loo-king for a re-scue
Watch me starve was ne-ver to im-press you
I would have killed the part of me to have you
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, sto-ry
Say good-bye my love
I can see it in your soul
Say good-bye my love
Thought that I could make you who-o-ole
Let your lo-ver sail
Death was made to fa-il
Babe I kno-ow love is a fun-ny thing
Born to die in the e-ter-nal spring
Your fli-cker-ing is more than just a small flame
Wel-come to the par-ty, it's a ball game
Pick up the stick, it's time to get hit with
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, my bat
Su-i-cide is ne-ver gon-na save you
When I cried, it was be-cause I came to
You are the one I want to know right now
Ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, ay-o, kiss this!