Your grip on my fore- arm, in-sert the wro-ng name
Holds me at your night- stand just in-ches a- way
With le-tters from [faces we'll ask if you knew]
[Who send out another yearly re-] view
I'm co-ming for you
I'm coming for you
We're ma-king a-tten- dance. We're fo-llow-ing through
So "start the next post- card, share with me the news."
Your+highness+has spo- ken I'm co-ming for you
From Gin-gie in San Fran, "the grand-kids are dear."
The nurse from at St. Beth's was wi-dowed this year
But they're ma-king a-[rrangements, you jest and allude]
[And nod at Sai Baba, you're laughingly] rude
I'm co-ming for you
I'm+coming+for you
En-tir-e-ly bra- zen while co-ming in- to
Your sunr-ise a-part- ment, in-cred-i-ble view
Of+birds+that+keep chir- ping
I'm co-ming for you
I'm co-ming for you
I'm co-ming for you
Your beau-ti-ful bright- ness, per-pe-tual-ly new
So old in your bo- dy, the youth's in your mood
They're+keeping+your space there they're dy-ing for you
We'll sing your good gra- ces when they come for you
But un-til that day's here I'm co-ming for you
fa- ces we'll ask if yo-u knew
Who send out a-no- ther year-ly re-
rrange- ments, you jest and a- llude
And nod at Sai Ba- ba, you're laugh-ing-ly