注释:
stand
my
ground
in
death
or
glo-
-ry
my
soul
is
bound
de-
-fend
the
ho-
-ly
a-
-cross
the
sea
the
se-
-ven
king-
-doms
a
sil-
-ver
queen
a-
-rise
to
claim
the
throne
On
the
shore
of
the
I-
-ron
Is-
-lands
blood
stains
get
washed
in
the
sand
in
land
darke-
-ned
so-
-rrow
lord
of
the
light
here
stand
on
my
knees
will
pray
to
the
-ly
one
win-
-ter
will
come
to
an
end
from
the
wall
of
north
will
scream
your
name
and
fly
by
my
blood
pay
my
a-
-lli-
-giance
and
slay
brea-
-ker
of
chains
I'm
the
Storm-
-born
when
night
has
be-
-gun
and
rea-
-per
has
come
mo-
-ther
of
dra-
-gons
fight
my
blood
my
re-
-venge
will
be
grim
and
e-
-vil
black
wa-
storm
co-
-mand
when
stars
co-
-lor
red
in
hea-
-ven
wild-
-fi-
-re
burns
in
my
hand
by
stand
my
ground
in
death
or
glo-
-ry
my
soul
is
bound
de-
-fend
the
ho-
-ly
a-
-cross
the
sea
the
se-
-ven
king-
-doms
a
sil-
-ver
queen
a-
-rise
to
claim
the
throne
born
out
of
dra-
-gon-
-stone
storm
in
hea-
-ven
by
fate
walk
a-
-lone
u-
-nite
se-
-ven
I'll
bring
a
fi-
-re-
-storm
wings
of
dar-
-kness
melt
stone
my
le-
-geons
will
slay
by
my
blood