Love of mine
Some-day you will die
But I'll be close be-hind
I'll foll-ow you in-to the dark
No blind-ing light
Or tunn-els to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Wait-ing for the hint of a spark
If heav-en and hell de-cide
That they both are sat-is-fied
Il-lu-min-ate the no's on their va- can-cy signs
If there's no one be-side you when your soul em-barks
Then I'll foll-ow you in-to the dark
In Catho-lic school, as visc-ious as Ro-man rule
I got my knuck-les bruised by a la- dy in black
And I held my tongue as - she told me, son
Fear is the heart of love, so I nev- er went back
If heav-en and hell de-cide
That they both are sat-is-fied
Il-lu-min-ate the no's on their va- can-cy signs
If there's no one be-side you when your soul em-barks
Then I'll foll-ow you in-to the dark
You and me have seen ev-ery-thing to see
From Bang-kok to Cal-ga-ry
And the souls of your shoes are all worn down
The time - for sleep is now
It's no-thing to cry a-bout
'Cause we'll hold each other soon in the black-est of roo-oo-oo-oo-ms
If heav-en and hell de-cide
That they both are sat-is-fied
Il-lu-min-ate the no's on their va- can-cy signs
If there's no one be-side you when your soul em-barks
Then I'll foll-ow you in-to the dark
And I'll foll-ow you in to the dark