作词: Jack Hall, Jim Hall, Rick Hirsch, John Anthony and Lewis Ross
作曲: Jack Hall, Jim Hall, Rick Hirsch, John Anthony and Lewis Ross
Well ya say you got the blu-u-es you got holes in bo-th of your shoe ya ah your feel-in' a-lo-ne and con-fus-ed you got-ta keep on smil-in' just keep on smil-in'
yah ya ya-bout to go in-sa-ne cause your wo-man's play-in' ga-a-a-a-mes and she sa-ys that your to blame you got-ta keep on smil-in' keep on smil-in' keep o-on smil-in' through the ra-in laugh-in' at the pa-a-a-a-in go-i-n'with the ch-an-ges till the sun comes out a-gain keep o-on smil-in' through the ra-a-in laugh-in' at the pa-a-a-a-in fl-ow-in'with the ch-an-ges and sing-in' this re-frain Sing-in' in a hon-key tonk ca-fe-e no-bo-dys hear-in' what chu play ya-aa their too bu-s-y drink-in' an-y-way ya got-ta keep on smil-in' bro-ther keep on smil-in' say ya ya found a piece of land gon-na change from ci-ty boy to coun-try man ya-aa try to build your life with your hands and just keep on smil-in keep on smil-in' keep o-on smil-in' through the ra-in laugh-in' at the pa-a-a-a-in just flo-w-in' with the chan-ges andkeep on sing-in' this re-fra-in you're just hang-in' o-ut in the lo-cal ba-ar and you're won-de-ri-n' who the hell you a-re are you a far-mer? are you a sta-ar? smil-in' through the ra-in laugh-in' all through the pa-a-a-ain flo-ow with the ch-an-g-e-s till the sun comes out a-gain keep on sm-ilin' sm-i-il-in' la-ugh-in' I said la-ugh-in' keep on flow-in' flow-in' flow-in' yeah oh oh oh smi-lin' smi-lin' la-ugh-in