She be-longs there left with her li-ber-ty.
Ne-ver known as a non-be-lie-ver.
She laughs and stays in her one, one, one won- der-ful.
She knew how to ga-ther the fo-rest when
God reached soft-ly and moved her bo-dy.
One gol-den lo-cket, quite young and
lo-ving her mo-ther and fa-ther.
Far-ther down the path was a mys-te-ry.
Through the re-cess, the chalk and num-bers.
A boy bumped in-to her one, one, one won- der-ful.
All fall down and lost in the mys-te-ry.
Lost it all to a non-be-lie-ver, and all that’s left
is a girl who’s loved by her mo-ther and fa-ther.
She’ll re-turn in love with her li-ber-ty.
Just a-way from her non-be-lie-ver, she’ll
sigh and thank God for one, one, one won- der-ful.