注释:
It
was
the
th
of
Oc-
to-
ber
had
that
t-
shirt
off
your
shoul-
der
drunk
sad
was
so-
and
you
said
yeah
right
We
were
talk-
in'
for
a
min-
ute
Then
some
guy
tried
to
cut
in
you
took
my
hand
and
we
pre-
ten-
ded
like
was
your
guy
O-
h
then
tried
to
guess
mid-
dle
name
For
utes
bet
we
played
game
That
Man-
go-
ri-
ta
you
were
dink-
that
Cold-
play
song
that
sing-
bet
right
now
you're
prob-
ly
think-
That
it's
cra-
zy
re-
mem-
ever-
y
de-
tail
but
do
From
your
blue
jeans
shoes
girl
night
was
just
like
you
U-
n
for-
gett
ab-
le
danc-
were
buzz-
Tak-
in
shots
like
it
noth-
Did
runn-
man
loved
it
Yeah
laughed
out
loud
You
brushed
a-
way
blonde
hair
you
kissed
me
out
of
no-
where
can
still
show
the
spot
ever-
y-
thing
went
down
h
told
gon-
na
marr-
y
you
You
prob-
ly
did
nt'
think
it
true
rit-
drink-
Cold
sing'
is
craz-
mem
smell
per-
fume
n-
gett-
abl-
Oh
night
ba-
by
can
taste
the
it
feels
just
like
it
last
week-
end
jumped
in
right
deep
That
go
song
that
you
that
tail#