注释:
Ooh
Ooh
split
the
a
-tom
with
a
high
kick
ba
-by
am
ma
-ster
'cause
prac
-tice
dai
-ly
in
a
-to
-mic
ka
-ra
-te/ooh
a
-tom
-ic
The
co
-lor
of
my
belt
is
bla
-cker
than
night
en
-em
-ies
see
me
and
run
in
fright
will
not
hes
-i
-tate
to
use
it
too
On
an
-y
-one
who
stands
be
-tween
me
and
you
There
is
on
-ly
one
thing
hot
-ter
than
my
ka
-ra
-te
It's
when
you're
dan
-cing
chick
you
rock
that
bo
-dy
Yeah!
see
you
mov
-ing
how
flow
like
ri
-ver
You
do
it
so
good
girl
that
make
me
shi
mas
-te
All
have
to
do
is
show
up
at
the
fight
make
their
heads
ex
-plode
when
come
in
-to
sight
spin
my
nun
-chucks
and
re
lease
trill
-ion
new
-ton
For
-ces
of
e
-vil
will
al
-ways
leave
in
ru
-in
dai
-ly
sys
-tem
o
-ver
-load
Yeah!
If
we
join
forc
-es
we
would
set
wor
-ld
right
Im
-ag
-ine
me
girl
-n't
be
tight
can
be
your
love
sen
-sei
if
you'll
my
a
-to
-mic
ka
-ra
-te
la
-dy