I need your love
I need your lo-ve whoa - girl
I need your lo-ve, ye-ah girl
E-lec-tric lo-ve
E-lec-tric lo-ve, c'-mon, c'-mo-n
You're built for lo-ve, you turn me on
E-lec-tric lo-ve, c'-mon, c'-mo- n
We're charged un-til the dawn
Whoa oh - , hu-man-i-ty -
Won't know what hit it ba-by when they get to see you and me
So don't blow - your cir- cui- try
Let em stare as we walk
Let em talk
It's all the same to me
You're a-glow -can't dis-a-gree -
Let's fight to the fin-ish la-dy
runn-ing on e-lec-tri-ci-ty -
Your soul knows - that love is free
Now you're all charged up
Light the spark in me
You light the spark in me
So (Hey, Hey) Ba -by let's go
E-lec-tric lo- ve, c'-mon, c'-mon
You're built for lo-ve, you turn me on
E-lec-tric lo-ve, c'-mon, c'-mon - -
We're charged un-til the dawn
Whoa, oh - What can I say?
You set my pro-gram and it's some-thing that I can't dis-o-bey
So go slow - show me the way
That I could ne-ver find all the times that my life ric-o-chet-ed
Through the woes -of yes-ter-day
Your chro-mi-um fin-ish la-dy,
Some-thing that won't lead me a-stray
Am I wrong by fee-ling sa-ted, and un- der- stand we can fly a-way
We're gon-na fly a-way, so (hey, hey) ba-by lets go
I lose it ev- 'ry time I see you
I'm thin-king this could e-ven be true love - - - - - - - -
Syn-the-tic spi- rit will de-ceive you
Di-dn't e-ven know that you could feel the love - - - - - - - -
Your mo-del might be dis-con-tin-ued
Now that I know that I can win your love
Cause you - - - - - - - - -
You were built -
Oh girl, you know that you were built for love
You - were - - built - - for - - love - - - - - - -
You - - were - - built - - for - - love - - - - - -
You - - were - - built - - for - - love - - - - - -
You - - were - - built - - for - - love - - - - - -
You - - were - - built - - for - - love - - - - - -
you - - and me - -
ooh - built - for - love - built - for - love
oo-oh go slow
Built - for lo- ve
Built - for lo- ve
Built - for lo- ve
Built - for lo- ve
Built - for love
Built for love