Hi, this is my second full The Fall of Troy tab, I hope
you like it :). I spent a lot of time on it, and have used
audio slowing software to slow down the song so I
could get the best idea of the rhythm and notes that I
could. I've also watched a few videos of this song
being played live so I think I should have the fretting
pretty close as well.
Also know that I added the drums and bass to
support the guitar track. Alot of the song is focused on
the up beat, so it would be very difficult to practice it
on the down beat (with the metronome). The drums
and bass aren't NEARLY as accurate as the guitar is,
but they are still fairly close to the original recording.
Because the only recording of the song available is
a demo, the quality isn't too fantastic, so some of the
notes I wasn't quite sure on (such as the 16th notes on
measure 19, etc.). Also, as you can see, on the
recording, he plays many variations of the same riffs
(measure 3/7/11/15, 19/21/23/25, 26-29, 31-33,
etc.). All of these slight variations could be improvised,
but I'm not sure. Also I'm not 100% sure on all of the
notes on the variations, but I think it's pretty close,
probably 85-95%.
Also I am 95+% sure on the solo, except for the
middle of measure 74 and the 32nd notes onn
measure 80. I just can't seem to figure out what he
does there and I just can't catch what it is in the
recording, but I did my best.
If you liked this tab, or have any
comments/criticisms, PLEASE let me know! If you
have any requests or advice, please send me a
message or email me at
Tabbed by Nathan Ray
READ THE INFO (F5)!!! It's very useful :)
<--- Thomas uses some weird effect on that octave
in the beginning
(probably a Digtech Whammy Pedal)
I think he sometimes hits an open D here
(with the 4th fret),
But it's a lot more apparent in the end
(measure 67)
v--- notice the no palm mute right here
a little bit different from measure 20...
v--- slight variation (16th notes)
I think he uses some kind of effects pedal here
(in the recording).
maybe its a Digitech Whammy Pedal,
but I'm not sure...
feedback and such...
If you liked this tab go to raytabs.blogspot.com,
I will start taking requests, and also putting up
incomplete and original songs as well!