Far a -way -there's a land of snow and sor -row Time has -made the froz-en tears fall like rain from the star -lit sky End-less fields of snow at the edge -of the world and the wail-ing wind -I am lost in the li ----ght Far a-way Night is fal-ling o-ver my home The land of snow and -sor-row will car-ry me a-way from the cold As -I fall a-sleep, I will dream the last dream All I wan-ted is gone now, sor-row is all I feel Night is fal-ling o-ver my home The land of snow and -sor-row will car-ry me a-way from the cold As -I fall a-sleep, I will dream the last dream All I wan-ted is gone now, sor-row is all I feel