C    X35553
Am 577555
F    133211
G    355433
Dm  X57765

前奏 C Am F G

C Am F G
2012年个最后一天 the last day of 2012
顶马到宁波参加 Top Floor Circus went to Ningbo
搿年个跨年演唱会 to attend a new year’s eve gigC Am F G
我勒台下头看板砖乐队 I was watching Banzhuan off the stage
等伊拉演好之后 when they were done
就轮到顶马上台 it would be our turn

Am Dm F G
我过去一直认为 I used to believe
板砖乐队勿过就是 that Banzhuan was only
一支三流朋克乐队 a third-rate punk band
Am Dm F G
今朝一看苗头勿对 that day I found I was wrong
伊拉让我心也要跳出来 they were so thrilling
观众pogo就像是开了场桑拿舞会 the audience were pogoing as if having a sauna dancing party

C Am Dm G
我去SPA 你去死吧 I go SPA, you go die
就勒板砖个歌声里一道去桑拿 in the song of Banzhuan, let’s go sauna
C Am Dm G
我去SPA 你去死吧 I go SPA, you go die
就勒板砖个歌声里一道去死伐 in the song of Banzhuan, let’s go to the hell

C Am Dm G
snærún 发表于 2019-2-25 15:37:23 |查看: 5073|回复: 0