Naked, hopeless, innocent "amp; violated
This just wasn't your victim.
But this was your child.
This was your daughter, you sick fuck.
Why do men think more with their dick
And not with their fucking heart?!
This type of thinking will bring nothing but trouble..
Just tell me one thing
While you were fucking her
Could you look into her eyes?
Could you sense the fear?
Did you feel anything at all, you sick fuck!
Why do men think more with their dick
And not with their fucking heart?!
As you raped every ounce of love that a child has for their father.
There is always a time "amp; place for the punishment to fit the crime.
There is only one way to stop this.. from ever happening again!
Its time for 'Eye for an Eye' motherfucker!!
Cut the fuckers dick off!!!
If there is a hell? I hope you get what you deserve.