This mor-ning I made the call
The one that ends it all
Han-ging up, I wan-ted to cry
But dam-mit, this well's gone dry
Not for the mo-ney, -not for the fame
Not for the po-wer, - just no more games
But now I'm safe in the eye of the tor-na-do
I can't re-place the lies, that let a thou-sand days go
No more li-ving trapped in-side
In her way I'll sure-ly die
In the eye of the tor-na-do, -blow me a-way blow me a-way
Who's to say, what's for me to say?
Who's to say, what's for me to be?
Who's to say, what's for me to do?
Cause a big no-thing it'll be for me
The land of op-por-tu-ni-ty
The gol-den chance for me
My fu-ture looks so bright
Now I think I've seen the light
Can't say what's on my mind
Can't do what I real-ly feel
In this bed I made for me
Is where I sleep, I real-ly feel
I warn you of the fate
Pro-ven true too late
Your tonge twists per-verse
Come drink now of this curse
And now I fill your brain
I spin you round a-gain
My poi-son fills your head
As I tuck you in-to bed
You feel my fin-ger-tips
You won't for-get my lips
You feel my cold breath
It's the kiss of death
You'll grow -to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same
You - won't need your -breath
And soon -you'll meet your death
Not from the years, - not from the use
Not from the tears, -- just self a-buse