Scars and bars and a no tell mo tel
Black and white cars, pull ing o ver back seat bomb shells
A jack knife op er a tion, cry ing out loud
Walk ing in a dead man's shoes then take the next train out
Step out side, get up off of your knees, A mer i can beau ty
Step out of line, ba by you got to say please, A mer i can beau ty,
No place to run, get right back to where you start ed from
Stand ing in the sha dows, it hap pened way to fast
Two des per a does, fight ing in the bro ken glass
Push comes to shove in a Ca li forn ia min ute
Blood on the tracks, You nev er look back, She ain't dead yet. Ah!
Step out side, get up off of your knees, A mer i can beau ty
Get out of line, ba by you got to say please, A mer i can beau ty,
No place to run, get right back to where you start ed from
Scars and bars and a no tell mo tel
Black and white cars, pull ing o ver back seat bomb shells
A different ed u ca tion, dol lar ev 'ry day
Give them all a hap py end ing, send them on their way
Step out side, get up off of your knees, A mer i can beau ty
Get out of line, ba by you got to say please, A mer i can beau ty
Get out of line, get up off of your knees, A mer i can beau ty
No place to run, get right back to where you start ed from