You lack soul- and you're hamm-ing it up
There's no blis-ters on your fin-gers
And you're stuck in re-verse, uh!
I've got the horn and you can't get it up
By the time you're turn-ing thir-ty
You'll be use-less as fuck, uh!
You got your plans and you're rea-dy to go
But some-thing's got-ten hold- of you
And you can't leave these feel-ings ex-posed
You're in be-tween some-where and no-where-
You don't, you won't, you can't and you ne-ver will-
You would, you could, you should but you ne-ver do-
You should leave- but you're lapp-ing it up
You think your cup is o-ve-rflow-ing but there's real-ly a drought, uh!
You got your plans and you're paw-ing the ground--
But some-thing's got-ten hold of you
And you can't seem to turn this a-round--
You're in be-tween some-where and no-where-
You don't, you won't, you can't and you ne-ver will-
You would, you could, you should but you ne-ver do-
You don't, you won't, you can't and you ne-ver will-
You would, you could, you should but you ne-ver do-
You got your plans and you're paw-ing the ground--
But some-thing's got-ten hold of you
And you can't seem to turn this a-round--
You're in be-tween some-where and no-where
You don't, you won't, you can't and you ne-ver will-
You would, you could, you should but you ne-ver do-
You don't, you won't, you can't and you ne-ver will-
You would, you could, you should but you ne-ver do-