I wish I had some-one who
Sud-den-ly ar-rived
And showed me how the flo-wers grew
And came out the win-ter field
I wish I had some-one new
Ten-der to my heart
Some-one who'll share me, pre-cious times
Some-day you'll find me in the hands of the wind
Some-how you'll lead me to the wa-r-mer nights
Some-day you'll find me in the hands of the wind
Some-how you'll lead me to the wa-r-mer nights
If I had pret-ty spring the cor-ner of my heart
I'd say good-bye to win-ter land
Its so cruel, the win-ter wind
Check the wea-ther through the phone, the num-ber is 1-3-1
Don't you know the truth is in fi-ner wea-ther
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Love you best
Some-day you'll find me in the hands of the wind
Some-how you'll lead me to the wa-r-mer nights
Some-day you'll find me in the hands of the wind
Some-how you'll lead me to the wa-r-mer nights