Get back up, what are you wai-ting for this time?
I'm o-ver play-ing with this plight
But I'm still hand-cuffed, ball-gagged, face-down to the floor
And I'm wai- ting while I'm ha- ting what I'm wai-ting for
It's time to take a-hold of what be-longs to me
It's time to walk a-way with no a-po-lo-gies
Voi-ces in the mir-ror start qui- et-ly
And now they're screa-ming back at me
(Don't back down)
Hol-ding on un-til my hands and mind are blee-ding
(Don't back down)
This is my birth-right
(Don't back down)
I'm so sick of fee-ling like I'm help-less
(Don't back down)
This is o-ver to-night
Don't back up, your ass is to the wall a-gain and
Aren't you sick of was-ting so much time?
And yes it's true you're a fool if you think you were born
To be wai- ting while you're ha- ting what you're wai-ting for
It's time to take a-hold of what be-longs to me
It's time to walk a-way with no a-po-lo-gies
Voi-ces in the mir-ror start qui- et-ly
And now they're screa-ming back at me
(Don't back down)
Hol-ding on un-til my hands and mind are blee-ding
(Don't back down)
This is my birth-right
(Don't back down)
I'm so sick of fee-ling like I'm hope-less
(Don't back down)
This is o-ver to-night
How could've I been so earth-bound
With my heart in the depths and my face in the ground?
It's time to up-root my-self and move on
(How could've I been go- ing down?)
How could've I been ma- king sound
When my mouth and my lungs had both fused to the ground?
It's time to up-root my-self and move on
The voi-ces in my head have all be-gun to sing
(The voi-ces in your head have all be-gun to sing)
They sure as hell hope I am lis-ten-ing
(I sure as hell hope you are lis-ten-ing)
It's time to take a-hold of what be-longs to me
It's time to walk a-way with no a-po-lo-gies
Voi-ces in the mir-ror start qui- et-ly
Now they're screa-ming back at me
(Don't back down)
Hol-ding on un-til my hands and mind are blee-ding
(Don't back down)
This is my birth-right
(Don't back down)
I'm so sick of fee-ling like I'm life-less
(Don't back down)
This is o-ver to-night
O-ver to-night, this is o-ver to-night
(This ends to-night)