I cant con trol this flesh and blood. That's wrapped a round my bones
It moves be neath me like a riv er. In to the great un known
I stepped on to the mo ving stairs, be fore I could tie my shoes
Pried a harp out the fin gers of a ren e gade, who lived and died the blues
And his prom ise made was nev er clear. It just carved itself in me
All I saw was frost in side my head. On the night he said to me
Some day we'll live like hor ses. Free rein from yer own iron fen ces
There's more ways than 1 to re gain yer sen ses
Break out the stalls and we'll live like hor ses
We're the vic tims of the heart break, that kept us short of breath
Trapped a bove these blood less streets, with out a safe ty net
I stood in line, to join the tribe, one more cus to mer of fate
Claimed a spoke in the wheel of the wa gon train, on the road to the gol den gate
On the flat dry des ert and jumped ship, it just made sense to me
I'll spend too long in the bel ly of the beast, and now I shall be free
Some day we'll live like hor ses. Free rein from yer own iron fen ces
There's more ways than 1 to re gain yer sen ses. Break out the stalls and we'll live like hor ses
Some day, free rein from yer own iron fen ces
There's more ways than 1 to re gain yer sen ses. Break out the stalls and we'll live like hor ses