Yer not a ship to car ry my life
You are nailed to my love in man y lone ly nights
I've strayed from the cot ta ges and found my self here
For I need your love your love pro tects my fears
And I won der some times and I know I'm un kind
But I need you to turn to when I act so blind
And I need you to turn to when I lose con trol
You're my guard ian an gel who keeps out the cold
Did you paint your smile on, well I said I knew
That my rea son for living was for lov ing you
We're re la ted in feel ing but you're high a bove
You are pure and yer gen tle with the grace of a dove
And I won der some times and I know I'm un kind
But I need you to turn to when I act so blind
And I need you to turn to when I lose con trol
You're my guard ian an gel who keeps out the cold