When the shrill winds are scream ing, and the ev 'ning is still
La dy Sa man tha glides o ver the hills
In a long sat in dress that she wears ev 'ry day
Her home is the hill side, her bed is the grave
La dy Sa man tha glides like a ti ger. O ver the hills with no one be side her
No one comes near, they all live in fear. But La dy Sa man tha, she sheds on ly tears
La dy Sa man tha glides like a ti ger. O ver the hills with no one be side her
No one comes near, they all live in fear. But La dy Sa man tha, she sheds on ly tears
The tales that I told round the fire ev 'ry night
Are out of pro por tion and none of them right
She is harm less and emp ty of an y thing bad
She once had some thing that most of you have
La dy Sa man tha glides like a ti ger. O ver the hills with no one be side her
No one comes near, they all live in fear. But La dy Sa man tha, she sheds on ly tears
La dy Sa man tha glides like a ti ger. O ver the hills with no one be side her
No one comes near, they all live in fear. But La dy Sa man tha, she sheds on ly tears. she sheds on ly tears. she sheds on ly tears