I used to be a roll ing stone, you know if the cause was right
I'd leave to find the an swer on the road, I used to be a heart beat ing for some one
But the times have changed, the less I say the more my work gets done
Cuz I live and breathe this Phi la delph i a Free dom. From the day that I was born I've waved the flag
Phil a del phia Free dom took me knee-high to a man. Yeah gave me peace of mind my dad dy nev er had
Oh, Phi la delph i a Free dom shine on me, I love you. Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left be hind
Shine a light, shine a light, shine a light won't you shine a light. Phi la delph i a Free dom, I love, ove, ove, you, yes I do
If you choose to you can live your life alone, some peo ple choose the ci ty
Some o thers choose the good old fam i ly home, I like liv ing ea sy with out fam i ly ties
Till the whip poor will of free dom zapped me, right be tween the eyes
Cuz I live and breathe this Phi la delph i a Free dom. From the day that I was born I've waved the flag
Phil a del phia Free dom took me knee-high to a man. Yeah gave me peace of mind my dad dy nev er had
Oh, Phi la delph i a Free dom shine on me, I love you. Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left be hind
Shine a light, shine a light, shine a light won't you shine a light. Phi la delph i a Free dom, I love, ove, ove, you, yes I do
Oh, Phi la delph i a Free dom shine on me, I love you. Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left be hind
Shine a light, shine a light, shine a light won't you shine a light. Phi la delph i a Free dom, I love, ove, ove you
Don't you know I love, ove, ove you? Don't you know I love, ove, ove you? Yes, I Do! I
love, ove, ove you. Yes, I Do! Don't you know that I... love, ove, ove you. Yes, I Do! Don't you know that I...
love, ove, ove you. Yes, I Do! Don't you know that I... love, ove, ove you. Yes, I Do! Don't you know that I...