Well he could al most taste the mo ney, but he was sit ting in a den of thieves
Look ing for the great a wak 'ning, try ing to find a way to leave
But that's when he got re li gion and the light went on in side. He said some bo dy up there likes me, now he's work ing for the ho ly guide
He got drunk but he don't re mem ber, that he'd been drink ing in a bar down town
When he thought he heard a choir of an gels, sing ing in the Ti ki Lounge
And that's when he got re li gion, from no sales man on T. V.
Just a tap on the shoul der in the park ing lot, he still drinks but he does be lieve
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man
Well she was si lent as he paid her, but the thanks she got was next to none
And as her car pulled out the mo tel, she felt the pre sence of some one
And that's when she got re lig ion, in the front of a com pact Ford
Just a gen tle voice on the ster e o, now she's a work ing girl who loves the lord
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man
And that's when she got re lig ion, in the front of a com pact Ford
Just a gen tle voice on the ster e o, now she's a work ing girl who loves the lord
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man
Re lig ion, you just do the best you can. Cuz we all make the same mi stakes, we're gon na wind up with the man