I can feel the time clo sing in. I can feel the years crawl ing thru my skin
And if I doubt my self I can count on the rain, to co ver the tears of this a ging game
But I can count on you to play your part. I don't miss a beat of your an i mal heart
And when you push from be hind I know I can, co ver a moun tain with the palm of my hand
Oh babe, you can make hist 'ry young again
You could re write, you could de cide the things that should or should n't have been
You could look at me in the scheme of things. Oh babe, you could make hist'ry young a gain. Oh!
I can watch the weeks sweep ing by. I can rec ol lect the hearts hang ing out to dry
When the world shuts down I can touch my fears. I can hear lost youth ring ing in my ears
But I lost no thing when I gained you. You just blew me a way with yes ter days news
When you run your fin gers down my spine, it's like throw ing a switch on the hands of time
An cient minds, an cient lives, got a way of com ing a round
If I knew then what I know now, I'd make it back to you some how