Licentious damsels ingesting semen juice
The prince of life by these lustful means
Was righteously conceived, his birth drew nigh
The throne of his father he hath inherited
Only for the tetrach to taketh away
The hopeof diseased folk who followed
Fourteen generations of venal dishonesty
Ceased not teach in his given name
Lamb of God slain will be...
Lamb of God slain will be...
Beneath the wise star suffered the accused
Myrrh and vinegar sprinkled on his hippie lips
A reversed consecration for the antagonist
Thy faith hath made thee copulate in heaven
The enigmas of his birth
Told by traveling shepherds
In the distance murmurs are heard
They announce the flood of pus
B*****s cometh to anoint the bruised residue
Exequies outlawed by the pagan centurions
Gastric lacerations silenced the clamor
God could not rebuke the contaminated spirits
The priest is driven to confession
He admits to an act of bestiality
With the corpse of the black ram
Without honor he stabs himself
He bled the blackest blood
For he was already deceased