[i. Ivory Tower]
Shame-less, sky-ing a-bove
Prey-ing on the name-less
Jur-y and judge
Ev-'ry-thing they had was nev-er e-nough
Spir-it me a-way
Crawl-ing un-der my skin, spir-al-ing through my head
Taste my own med-i-cine, drunk on the pow-er
Rid this pest-i-lence from with-in, a prayer for the inn-o-cent
Talk me down from the ledge of my iv-o-ry tow-er
Strugg-le to be in the now
When life's too much to swall-ow
It spits me right out, but I cling on
Reap-ing seeds I dare to sow
For all the lives I ev-er stole
And now I must re-pel the host
For-ev-er I'll be spir-it-ed a-way
Crawl-ing un-der my skin, spir-al-ing through my head
Taste my own med-i-cine, drunk on the pow-er
Rid this pest-i-lence from with-in, a prayer for the inn-o-cent
Talk me down from the ledge of my iv-o-ry tow-er
Where I end, you be-gin
When I fall, you will stand
[ii. A Glutton for Punishment]
Greed and guile col--our my- life with- au-rus rose
Temp--er my yearn-ing
Ab-di-cate the throne maj-es-ty
Gold topp-les the crown
Blood fest-ers the ground
Hell on Earth, my bless-ing and my curse
How did I fail my hol-y grail? Tap-er my hun--ger
With your com-pound eyes
Par-a-sites leeched u-pon the guilt
And a call to arms
Par-a-dise led me down a path to the core
Fail, try, fall, rise
Scars run deep tor-men-ting me with her rep-til-i-an glare
How is she for-sak-ing me when my dev-il may care?
With your com-pound eyes
Par-a-sites ech-o through the walls
And a call to arms
Par-a-dise, breathe me, in I'm dead to the world
[iii. Marigold]
Ash-es in the sky
Gar-den of de-lights
Screams have turned to sighs
De-sert-ing their eyes
A shiv- er shoots through- the spine
She whis--pers "good-night"
Fall-en sons and daught- ers
How does one for-give him-self?
Care-ful what you wish for, Mar-i-gold
Re-lent-less grief that haunts my days will nev-er be gone
Tell me what you died for, did you ever im-a-gine we'd re-a-wa-ken the mon-ster
At the end of days that cease to be-gin?
[iv. The Sect]
Rich-es back to rags, clutch-ing to the past
Stray-ing from the path, gutt-er from the stars
If hu-mi-li-ty comes to hum-ble me
In my time of need, will I be free?
Rich-es back to rags, clutch-ing to the past
Stray-ing from the path, gutt-er from the stars
If hu-mi-li-ty comes to hum-ble me
In my time of need, will I be re-deemed?
[v. Ectobius Rex]
Pu-tre-fied by the mass-es
We fall to rise through the suff-er-ing
Reign of fire, spread the ash-es
Your vic-tor cries, "Hail to the King"
Crawl out of my skin
A cell keeps di-vi-ding
Mem-o-ries of e-lec-tri- ci-ty
Rid this plague with-in
The veil fin-all-y lifts
Jump-ing from my tower of i- vo-ry
Crawl out of my skin
A cell keeps di-vi- ding
Mem-o-ries of e-lec-tri- ci-ty
Rid this plague with-in
The veil fin-all-y lifts
Jump-ing from my tower of i- vo- ry