注释:
This
au-
tumn
feels
like
funeral
to
me
The
longest
song
of
grief
And
not
for
what
has
passed
But
for
what
shall
last
Ex-
haus-
ted
na-
ture
is
so
tra-
gic
and
sui-
ci-
-
dal
Oh
how
spec-
ta-
cu-
lar
she
when
she
kills
-
her-
self
Death
throes
are
slow-
ly
crawl-
ling
to
her
toes
As
the
last
leaf
fall-
ing
off
her
-
head
-
I'm
here
with
her
-
un-
dres-
sed
-
With
-
a
few
pe-
tals
on
-
my
breasts
-
-
We
shared
o-
pi-
ates
and
let
the
land-
scapes
do
the
same
love
your
warmth
but
yet
pre-
fer
to
sleep
in
cold
alone
-
-
-
We
fixed
our
eye-
s
up
to
sky
To
see
a
flight
send
us
far-
e-
well
Good-
bye
-
May
we
see
each
o-
ther
next
time
-
So
please
come
back
to
ce-
le-
brate
this
fes-
ti-
val
of
life
-
Then
as
now
fly
-
To-
day
you
reached
the
point
of
no
re-
turn
-
-
Now
cry
-
And
then
die
-
-
mor-
row
will
me-
et
you
with
your
cells
-
re-
stored
An-
nu-
-
al
tra-
di-
-
tion
of
mass
des-
truc-
tion
-
I-
-
n
the
name
of
to-
tal
re-
con-
struc-
-
tion
My
big-
gest
sour-
ce
of
con-
fu-
sion
-
The
rea-
son
o-
f
de-
cay
-
and
dis-
ill-
us-
-
ion
-
Un-
der
per-
ma-
-
-
-
nent
ice
we
found
a
breath-
less
pa-
ra-
dise
-
-
-
No
we're
not
dead
Just
en-
joy-
ing
co-
-
ma
-
-
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
haa
From
the
as-
hes
of
my
roots
the
new
me
will
rise
to
live
a-
gain
This
po-
e-
try
of
youth
this
me
and
you
From
as-
hes
of
my
new
rise
gain
this
you
-