in-tel-lec-tu-al prop-er-ty nev-er meant an-y-thing to me
so I'm not cra-zy for try-ing to pimp out a clas-sic song
at twen-ty-five years old it's a hu-mane thing to do
e-ven though you know we know you think it's wrong
but af-ter sev-en hun-dred co- vers
and eight-een hun-dred shows
and be-cause it's a song that co-lum-bi-ans love to hum
we vot-ed to pull the plug and euth-a-nize "Li-no-le-um"
I think I was born in-to this world to piss peo-ple off
so I'm do-ing what no smart band ev-er would
I'm tak-ing our one well- known song and tryin' to make it not ver-y good
li-no-le-um nev-er meant an-y-thing to me
I nev-er e-ven wrote a cho-rus just vers-es and a bridge
it's like bull-doz-ing a bowl- ing al-ley for a used re-cord store
de-com-pos-ing your best song is sac-ri-lege
but when most hope-less bands play it wrong
and it's in Le Ti-gre’s best song
and it was the last song that To-ny ev-er played
it's time to put li-no- le-um out to stud
and make sure that it gets laid
that's me and I got a new kitch-en floor
but I still sleep with a close friend
the leath-er trunk next to my bed
that's me on the street and I'm walk-ing with my kid
when she told me she knows eve-ry-thing I did
be-cause she just fin-ished our book
what the fuck? what the hell?
why did she feel the need to tell me
that she knows her dad is more than kind-a weird
she knows that I do drugs
she knows that I'm kink-y
but what keeps me up at night
is that her and her friends know that I drink pee