Hey__ yeah__
Now I said? Hey__ Ah Pa-pa, wan-na thank you_ so
For who you is_ and what you did and all that ya do?__
Now I say, You,_ yeh_ know you al-ways taught me_ right from wrong?
I ain't got much, but Pa-pa I done wrote you this song___ oh_ yey_ yeh_
All the pain and the suf-fer-ing I watched you ig- nore__
From a poor boy,_ through the ru-ins of_ war__
When my life is o-ver and I done_ found_ my home__
Just re-mem-ber,__ yeah,__ son, you're not a-lone, no?_
A hard_ road is what it's gon-na be
when I think of all you been and done__
So glad_ I got to know ya, Pa-pa
I磎 so glad I was the cho-sen one_
I'm so glad I was the cho- sen one_
I'm so glad, Woo so glad I was the cho-sen one_
Now Isay You,_ yeah,_ you,_ oh you al-ways see-med find some_ time
Be-yond my dy-ing day, you'll al-ways be a friend of mine__
Now I say you,__ you left some big shoes_ to fill_
I'll do my best to make you proud I pro-mise that I__ will__
(yeah,) (I will)
All the pain and the suf-fer-ing I watched you ig- nore__
From a poor boy,_ through the ru-ins of_ war__
When my life is o-ver and I done_ found_ my home__
Just re-mem-ber,__ yeah,__ son, you're not a-lone, no?_
A hard_ road is what it's gon-na be
when I think of all you been and done__
So glad_ I got to know ya, Pa-pa
I磎 so glad I was the cho-sen one_
I'm so glad I was the cho- sen one_
I'm so glad, Woo so glad I was the cho-sen one_
Son, you are not a-lone?__
A hard road is what it's gon-na be
when I think of all you been and done__
So glad_ I got to know ya, Pa-pa
I'm so glad I was the cho-sen one,
A hard road is what it's gon-na be_
when I think of all you been and done__
So glad_ I got to know ya, Pa-pa
I'm so glad I was the cho-sen one__
I'm just so glad I was the cho- sen one_
I'm so glad, Glad I was the chos- en one,__ yeah__
(I'm glad) Yeah__