Take your time, time
Take your time, take it, Ma-ma
Take your sweet time
Take your time,_ take it, ba- by__
oh,__ I'm gon-na get to you,__
Don't e-ven try
Ain't gett-in' by Ma-ma
Think ya can, but ya can't
Ain't no get-tin' by,__ babe
No,__ I'm gon-na get to you,__
The bot-tom of the bar-rel is where_ I've_ been and al-ways be__
It's where I found re-al-i-ty__
I__ ain't__ see-in' clear, no__ and I don't wan-na be__
Just let me drown__ in my mis- er-y,__ yeah____ Lord,__ babe__
Wine,__ oh__ I'll make you mine,__ babe
Serve you up a glass of my__ trou-bled wine
Wine,___ yeah,__ I'll make you mine,__ babe__
Serve you up a glass of my trou-bled wine
My trou-bled wine,__ babe__
Now lis-ten
Tell me what you is
Tell me who you is, what you be
I'll be your_ ship
Your ship sink-in' in the sea__
oh,__ just take my__ hand__
When you hurt
When you cry
When you bleed
A lit-tle ship, a lit-tle bit's all you need__
I'm__ al- ways here for you
The bot-tom of the bar-rel is where_ I've_ been and al-ways be__
It's where I found re-al-i-ty__
I ain't see-in' clear,__ no__ And I__ don't wan-na be__ babe_
Just let me drown__ in my mis-er-y,__ yeah____ yeah___
Wine,__ oh__ I'll make you mine,__ babe
Serve you up a glass of my__ trou-bled wine
Wine,___ yeah,__ I'll make you mine,__ babe__
Serve you up a glass of my trou-bled wine___
oh yeah__ my trou-bled__ wine__
Drink up!
Wine,__ oh__ I'll make you mine,__ babe
Serve you up a glass of my__ trou-bled wine
Wine,___ yeah,__ I'll make you mine,__ babe__
Serve you up a glass of my trou- bled__ wine___
Wine,__ yeah__ oh__ I'll make you__ mine,__
Serve you up a glass of my__ trou-bled wine
Wine,___ yeah,__ I'll make you mine,__, all_ mine, all__ mine
With__ a glass of my trou-bled wine
That's right
Wine, wine
Wine, wine
Wine, wine