Brush-ing, touch-ing, feel-ing on your shoul- + + + der
Be-liev-ing, a-ppeal-ing, kneel-ing in your words + + +
O-ceans are com-bined + + +
Be-ing that I love you so much
In the end they all will say
Break-ing some-one el-se's heart a-gain
Find the li-ttle e-vil per-pe-tra-tor and feed him to the hun-gry a-lli-ga-tor
You want it all you want it all
Love is not a-bout the pro-fits nor the ri-ches in your dreams
The.arms of time are bre-ak-ing off +
Ci-vi-li-za-tion is on trial
The clocks e-li-mi-nat-ing time +
Do you be-lie- ve in me +
I've been walk-ing through these dead farms but I don't mind
I've been scream-ing through these dead lungs but I cant find
Be-ing that I love you so much
In the end they all will say
Break-ing some-one el-se's heart a-gain
Find the li-ttle e-vil per-pe-tra-tor and feed him to the hun-gry a-lli-ga-tor
You want it all you want it all
Love is not a-bout the pro-fits nor the ri-ches in your dreams
The.arms of time are bre-ak-ing off +
Ci-vi-li-za-tion is on trial
The clocks e-li-mi-nat-ing time +
Do you be-lie- ve in me +
But late-ly I've been blind + + +
You leave me all a-lone + + + left in time + +
You left me here to die, left in time + +
You leave me all a-lone, + + + left in time +
The.arms of time are bre-ak-ing off
Ci-vi-li-za-tion is on trial
The clocks e-li-mi-nat-ing time +
Do you be-lie- ve + + in no-thing
But late-ly I've been blind + + +
Leave me all a-lone + + + left in time + +