Your em-pty walls +
Your em-pty walls +
Pre-ten-tious a-tten-tion
Dis-miss-ive a-ppre-hen-sion
Don't waste your time
On coff-ins to-day +
When we de-cline
From the con-fines of our + + + minds
Don't waste your time
On coff-ins to-day + + +
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
I want you to be left be-hind those em-pty walls
Taunt you to see from be-hind those em-pty walls +
Those em-pty walls + + +
When we de-cline
From the con-fines of our + + + minds
Don't waste your time
On coff-ins to-day + + +
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
I want you to be left be-hind those em-pty walls
Taunt you to see from be-hind those em-pty walls
Want you to be + left be-hind those em-pty wa-lls
I taunt you to see + from be-hind those em-pty walls +
From be-hind those em-pty walls +
From be-hind those em-pty walls +
The walls +
I loved you yes-ter-day,
Be-fore you killed my fa-mi-ly + + +
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
Don't you see their bo-dies burn-ing
De-so-late and full of yearn-ing
Dy-ing of an-ti-ci-pa-tion
Cho-king from in-tox-i-ca-tion
I want you to be left be-hind those em-pty walls
Taunt you to see from be-hind those em-pty walls
Want you to be + left be-hind those em-pty wa-lls
I taunt you to see + from be-hind those em-pty walls +
From be-hind those em-pty walls +
From be-hind those fuck-ing walls +
From be-hind those god-damn walls +
Those walls +
Those walls +