(Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey hey hey.)
[Verse 1]
I ne-ver know where I'm go-ing to.
I've ne-ver been where I'm co-ming from.
(Say no-thin', do no-thin' now.)
A hu-man touch, I don't wan-na feel.
I live out-side of the junk and still...
(Say no-thin', do no-thin' now.)
Bore-dom turns me on...
(To ex-pec-ta- tion.)
All I need-ed was to find a lit-tle dis-lo-ca-tion.
All I need-ed was to find a way to dis-lo-cate it all.
[Verse 2]
What peo-ple say, I don't wan-na hear.
(Hang with me, hang with me now.)
I like to talk, and face and fear.
(Say some-thin', do some-thin' now.)
Try to di-lute ev-'ry-thing I do...
? no-thing ? ? ? ne-ver let it go...(hang with me, hang with me now.)
Bore-dom turns me on...
(To ex-pec-ta- tion.)
All I need-ed was to find a lit-tle dis-lo-ca-tion.
All I need-ed was to find a way to dis-lo-cate it all.
All I need-ed was to find a lit-tle dis-lo-ca-tion.
All I need-ed was to find a way to dis-lo-cate it all.
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh...)
Bore-dom turns me on...
(To ex-pec-ta- tion.)
All I need-ed was to find a lit-tle dis-lo-ca-tion.
All I need-ed was to find a way to dis-lo-cate it all.
(Dis- lo- ca- ti-on)
(Dis- lo- ca- ti-on)
(Dis- lo- ca- ti-on)
(Dis- lo- ca- ti-on)
All I need- ed was to find a lit-tle dis- lo-ca-tion.
All I need- ed was to find a way to dis- lo-cate it all.
And all I need- ed was to find a lit-tle dis- lo-ca-tion.
And all I need- ed was to find a way to dis- lo-cate it all.
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou- nd)
(Down, down, bring me rou-nd)
(Down, down, bring me, rou- nd)
(Down, down, bring me round)